CCI Narrative: Research for a Creative Australia
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCI) was an Australian research centre that undertook research in media studies, cultural studies, communication studies, law, education, economics, business technology, and information technology, related to the creative economy, between 2005 and 2013. Essentially, the story of the CCI has been to give substance to the link between creative industries and innovation, to explore its implications for our core academic discipline fields and several policy domains and, working with industry ...
ASEF: Enabling Crossovers – Good Practices in the Creative Industries
7th ASEF Public Forum on Creative Industries in Asia & Europe: Enabling Crossovers Over 100 international civil society, private sector and government representatives gathered at the 7th ASEF Public Forum: Enabling Crossovers held on 18 October 2014 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands for discussions on the importance of creative industries for sustainable growth and development in Asia and Europe. The Public Forum was organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) in partnership with Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands and ...
SPC: Valuing Culture in Oceania
Methodology and indicators for valuing culture, including traditional knowledge, in Oceania Report prepared by Synexe Consulting Limited for the Human Development Programme of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Culture has always been an integral component of development. The idea that ‘culture matters’ in development processes is not a new one, but the central role it plays in achieving sustainable development has only recently been recognised by development planners and incorporated into development policy. Since the World Decade for Cultural ...
Australia Council for the Arts : Arts and Creative Industries
Dr Justin O’Connor is a professor in the ARC Centre for Creativity and Innovation at the Queensland University of Technology. In January, the Australia Council released his report entitled Arts and Creative Industries, which outlined the development of the creative industries in Australia and discussed the role of economics in arts and cultural policy debate. The report is divided in two parts, commencing with An Australian conversation, interviewed 18 leading practitioners across the creative industries. They have been asked about ...
TEFAF Art Market Report 2015
Global art sales in 2014 break all known records Helvoirt, 9 March 2015. This year’s TEFAF Art Market Report shows that in 2014 the global art market reached its highest ever-recorded level, a total of just over €51 billion worldwide, a 7% year-on-year increase taking it above the 2007 pre-recession level of €48 billion. The TEFAF Art Market Report 2015 is a wide ranging report that examines the global art market in 2014 but also looks at individual sectors within ...