Creative Industries Poland
Global Development Poland at Red Yellow Blue (RYB)
Poland is a leader in game production – a PAIH report
According to the Polish Investment and Trade Agency’s (PAIH) quarterly report published at the end of June, entitled “The Creative Industries Sector Gamedev” – the revenues of the Polish gaming sector are constantly growing. PAIH’s analysts estimate that in 2024 the sector’s value may even reach, as much as USD 218 billion.
Where is the heart of the Polish fashion Industry?
In Poland, Łódź and Warsaw are considered to be the most important cities for this industry. The position of each of them has its justification. Łódź as a city with textile traditions still remains a strong center for the production of clothing. Warsaw’s position, on the other hand, largely results from the business and political role of the Capital. This does not mean, however, that in other centers we will not find representatives of this industry. For example, when it comes to jewelry created from amber, the main centre will be Gdańsk. However, in terms of events in the footwear industry – Krakow.
Cultural and creative industries in 2021
Statistics Poland data source
Cultural and creative industries in 2018
In 2018 117.2 thousand enterprises belonging to the cultural and creative industries carried out the activity. The overwhelming majority of entities (98.9%) were microenterprises, comprising 70.5% of those working in the area of cultural and creative industries. Gross monthly salary per employee amounted to PLN 6,029 and was higher by PLN 1,213 in comparison with all non-financial enterprises. The foreign trade in cultural and creative goods and services was characterised by a positive turnover balance.
Cultural and creative industries 2014-2016
Basic data and indicators describing the functioning of cultural and creative industries in Poland in 2014-2016. In Chapter I – the genesis, definitions, concepts and models of the categorisation of cultural and creative industries. In Chapter II – number of entities, employed persons, average paid employment and gross wages and salaries, selected information on the financial results of enterprises belonging to cultural and creative industries (total revenues, total costs, value added), against the background of the group of non-financial enterprises and data on foreign trade of cultural and creative goods and services.
diversified, high-growth European economy; COVID-19 led to first recession in nearly 3 decades, albeit small; EU and NATO member; bolstering US relations; economic concentration in western region; aging labor force; growing debt
Poland has the sixth-largest economy in the EU and has long had a reputation as a business-friendly country with largely sound macroeconomic policies. Since 1990, Poland has pursued a policy of economic liberalization. During the 2008-09 economic slowdown Poland was the only EU country to avoid a recession, in part because of the government’s loose fiscal policy combined with a commitment to rein in spending in the medium-term Poland is the largest recipient of EU development funds and their cyclical allocation can significantly impact the rate of economic growth.
The Polish economy performed well during the 2014-17 period, with the real GDP growth rate generally exceeding 3%, in part because of increases in government social spending that have helped to accelerate consumer-driven growth. However, since 2015, Poland has implemented new business restrictions and taxes on foreign-dominated economic sectors, including banking and insurance, energy, and healthcare, that have dampened investor sentiment and has increased the government’s ownership of some firms. The government reduced the retirement age in 2016 and has had mixed success in introducing new taxes and boosting tax compliance to offset the increased costs of social spending programs and relieve upward pressure on the budget deficit. Some credit ratings agencies estimate that Poland during the next few years is at risk of exceeding the EU’s 3%-of-GDP limit on budget deficits, possibly impacting its access to future EU funds. Poland’s economy is projected to perform well in the next few years in part because of an anticipated cyclical increase in the use of its EU development funds and continued, robust household spending.
Poland faces several systemic challenges, which include addressing some of the remaining deficiencies in its road and rail infrastructure, business environment, rigid labor code, commercial court system, government red tape, and burdensome tax system, especially for entrepreneurs. Additional long-term challenges include diversifying Poland’s energy mix, strengthening investments in innovation, research, and development, as well as stemming the outflow of educated young Poles to other EU member states, especially in light of a coming demographic contraction due to emigration, persistently low fertility rates, and the aging of the Solidarity-era baby boom generation.