Creating Growth – Measuring cultural and creative industries in Europe
View Post2015 Warwick Commission report on the Future of Cultural Value
Enriching Britain: Culture, Creativity and Growth On 17th February 2015 the Warwick Commission has launched its report, Enriching Britain: Culture, Creativity and Growth. The report is the result of a one-year investigation undertaken by a diverse group of cultural leaders, supported by academics from the University of Warwick. The key message from this report is that the government and the Cultural and Creative Industries need to take a united and coherent approach that guarantees equal access for everyone to a ...
The International Fashion Showcase 2015
130 Emerging designers from 30 countries in the largest public fashion exhibition of its kind The British Council and the British Fashion Council will present 130 emerging designers from 30 countries in the largest public fashion exhibition of its kind. The annual exhibition now in its fourth year, is free of charge and will take place at Brewer Street Car Park in London during London Fashion Week between 20-24 February 2015. Estonia | Copyright British Fashion Council. Now in its ...
Mons 2015 European Capital of Culture
View PostECIA Closing Conference | European Creatieve Industries Alliance, Amsterdam 2014
European Creatieve Industries Alliance Closing Conference 27-28 November 2014 The European Creatieve Industries Alliance conference will address a new policy agenda to maximise the innovative contributions of European creative industries. It will gather 250 stakeholders consisting of key policy makers from the European, national and regional authorities and high level practitioners to discuss latest findings and challenges for future creative industries policies. This conference is organized by the Amsterdam Economic Board with contributions of the City of Amsterdam and in ...