Ireland Trade Associations

Discover Ireland’s trade associations supporting businesses across industries, fostering growth, collaboration, and international trade opportunities.

Chambers Ireland
Chambers Ireland is the country’s largest business organisation on the island of Ireland. It is a company limited by guarantee and owned by its member chambers, which pay an annual membership subscription fee.
Chambers Ireland’s mission is to represent the interests of member companies; to promote business competitiveness in Ireland and to enable the development of the chamber movement throughout the island.

Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC)
IBEC, the Irish Business and Employers Confederation, is the national voice of business and employers and is the umbrella body for Ireland’s leading sector groups and associations. IBEC represents the interests of business in Ireland and provides a wide range of direct services to its 7,500 members, which range from the very small to the largest enterprises, employing over 70% of the private sector workforce in Ireland.
IBEC was formed in 1993 as a result of a merger between the Confederation of Irish Industry (CII) and the Federation of Irish Employers (FIE).

Irish Exhibition Organisers Association (IEOA)
The Irish Exhibition Organisers Association (IEOA) is the trade body representing companies that conceive, create, develop, manage, market, sponsor, supply or service trade exhibitions and consumer events. It is run by its members for the benefit of its members through an elected council of representatives, specialist working groups and a fulltime secretariat.

Trade Associations