In Trends by Europa Regina


Milan, 5 October 2015 – From 00:01 today the merger between YOOX GROUP, the global Internet retailing partner for leading fashion and luxury brands, and THE NET-A-PORTER GROUP, the world’s premier online luxury fashion destination for content and commerce, is effective.

Thus emerges the world’s leading online luxury fashion retailer under the new name YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP S.p.A. (in abbreviated form YNAP S.p.A) with registered office in Milan. Furthermore, as of today the Merger produces legal, accounting and tax effects.

For the implementation of the Exchange Ratio, the share capital of YOOX S.p.A. has been increased by a total nominal amount of Euro 655,995.97 through the issue of 65,599,597 ordinary shares with no indication of par value assigned to Richemont Holdings (UK) Limited, of which 20,693,964 ordinary shares and 44,905,633 shares with no voting rights (“B Shares”). As a result of the merger, the share capital is Euro 1,277,339.29, represented by 127,733,929 shares with no nominal value, of which 82,828,296 ordinary shares and 44,905,633 B Shares.

From 9:00 AM today, the newly issued ordinary shares will be admitted to listing on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. as per the YOOX ordinary shares outstanding at the time of their issuance. The shares of the new Group will be traded with the ticker YNAP and will be included in the FTSE MIB, the index which comprises the top 40 Italian stocks by market capitalisation and liquidity listed on the Italian Stock Exchange.

Based on the new share capital and the closing price as of 2 October 2015, YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP has a market capitalisation of Euro 3.6 billion.

“Today marks the first official step in the journey of our game-changing merger and the realisation of a dream that started 15 years ago – a dream that all of us have worked incredibly hard to make a reality: to become the leader in our sector. I am thrilled to see the passion with which our two teams have already come together – this energy is at the heart of building YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP. Our combined force is staggering, our future potential extraordinary.”

– commented Federico Marchetti, Chief Executive Officer of the YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP


YNAP - Alison Loehnis; Federico Marchetti; Alberto Grignolo @ Milan Stock Exchange