CIFF Fashion Trends
Autumn/Winter 2006-2007 – Heady Sins

CIFF Fashion Trends Autumn/Winter 2006-2007 - Heady Sins
CIFF Fashion Trends Autumn/Winter 2006-2007 - Heady Sins
CIFF Fashion Trends Autumn/Winter 2006-2007 - Heady Sins
Heady Sins
© Bella Center A/S – Photographer Claus Starup
Like a painting or an opera, here is a profusion of orna­ments which enliven this new baroque spirit. A rich, re­composed fashion with details from the past for the off-beat look of a modern dandy and the fluid silhouette of the 1970s.

MEN & WOMEN Fabrics masculine chalk-striped wools, en­hanced with satin or velvet trimmed edges. Tapestry Jacquards for outerwear in wool or winter cotton. “Empire” spirit stripes and soft and silky fabrics.
Fluid fabrics, satins, velvets. Dark flowers and baroque feathers prints and patterns. Lots of fabrics with ornamental decoration such as jacquards, brocades, damasks, tapestries, embroideries and prints inspired by still life of the 18th century.

WOMEN Colours for outerwear and bottoms, a range of deep reddish and purplish colours. For tops, refined faded colours or more luminous, like gemstone.
Silhouettes total look suit, long jacket inspired by the redingote with wide belt worn on an under-breast cut pleated shirt and slim trousers. Cool Dandy look, a plastron with deep slit under a wide opened pull with slim trousers.
Focus round puff–shape coat with raised waist, tulip sleeves. New reefer with maxi double-breasted collar. High-smocked dress in­spired by the French directory period. Long skirt in printed silk. Low-necked blouse with flounced collar with tank-top, belt with cameo buckle.
Accessories butterfly in open-worked leather appliquéed to vel­vet on limp round little bag and ballerinas. small braid-trimmed bag and matching boots with “empire” stripes.

MEN Colours a range dedicated to opulence, where rich red and purple wine tones flourish and electrify precious jewelled, emerald flashes treated in “barock” harmonies.
Silhouettes glam-rock attitude, XL version coat worked in his­torical styles with emphasis fur on high collar, to be worn as an outdoor peignoir.
Historic rock look, silicone printed jacket for an “embroidery ef­fect” with a carrot pant in a jodhpur version. To be worn with “city” shirt and tie.
Focus cigarette pant with cummerbund and pin-tucks “Aristo­cratic” coat with high collar and buttonhole plays. Collarless and with bib front, box pleat detail and 19th century sleeves. Double-breasted vest with historical references chain detail for a more rock look.
Accessories trendy bow tie, ascots and stock tie collars. Boot in a western/rock mood.

Published by CIFF
Federation of Danish Textile & Clothing / Trends Nelly Rodi

All images © Bella Center A/S
Copenhagen International Fashion Fair