2014 Flagship Seminar
Transforming World Trade: Global Value Chains and Development
Sponsored by the World Bank Group Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice
The global economy has been transformed by changes in trade and investment. Business processes that once took place only within national borders have been broken down into ever-smaller components, spread across many countries in the form of Global Value Chains (GVCs). GVCs offer developing countries the potential to grow faster, import skills and technology, and boost employment and productivity. Opening borders and attracting investment are important, but governments must also invest in education, boost infrastructure connectivity, and set the right labor market policies. Panelists will discuss these issues from the perspective of multilateral organizations, the private sector, and individual, developing-country governments.
Date: Friday, October 10, 2014
Time: 4 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET (20:00 - 21:30 GMT)
Location: Online
This panel discussion will explore the emerging importance of global value chains (GVCs) in global trade and the implications of that rise for low-income countries. No longer is trade as simple as manufacturing a product in one country and selling it to another. Today, goods often cross many borders, accruing components and requiring complex interactions.
The place of GVCs in local economies is also not simple: the skills required and wages offered mean that they may not benefit the poor. Panelists will discuss these issues from the perspective of multilateral organizations, the private sector, and individual, developing-country governments.
Recommended Reading (pdf)
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