Middle East – Fashion Associations

Directory Fashion Associations, Federations, Councils, Organizations

In alphabetical order


Association of Iran Textile Industries (AITI)
Trade organization of Iranian manufacturers and suppliers of fibers, yarns, woven and knitted, and nonwovens fabrics and products, and textile floor coverings.
> aiti.org.ir


Textile and Fashion Industries Association
The Manufacturers Association of Israel stands at the forefront of the Israeli economy and constitutes a leading force in the economy and industry, as well as in the national and international arena. The Manufacturers Association also helps businesses in their daily dealings, and because it represents of the largest employers’ organization in the country it is party to macroeconomic decisions and leads organized labor relations in the economy, while encouraging and promoting “blue and white power.”
> industry.org.il


Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporter Associations / Istanbul Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon Ihracatci Birlikleri (ITKIB)
ITKIB stands for Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporter Associations. It comprises four associations, namely:
Istanbul Apparel Exporters’ Association,
Istanbul Textile and Raw Material Exporters’ Association,
Istanbul Leather and Leather Products Exporters’ Association and
Istanbul Carpet Exporters’ Association.
General Secretariat of Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporter Associations (ITKIB) has been operating since 1986.
> itkib.org.tr

Turkish Textile Employers’ Association / Türkiye Tekstil Sanayii İşverenleri Sendikası (TTSIS)
Turkish Textile Employers’ Association has been established in 1962 to legally and professionally protect the social and financial rights of its members.
The main objectives of the Association are to create unity in the industry by facilitating collaborations among members, to financially support their professional activities and to invest in business ventures to raise the level of productivity and efficiency in the industry.
> tekstilisveren.org