European Fashion Council (EFC) logo

Sun made of Stars is the new symbol of the European Fashion Council

The Netherlands, Bulgaria and Sweden – winners in the international contests for European Fashion Identity

European Fashion Council (EFC) logo
EFC Press / May 5, 2011

21 projects by artists from 7 countries, including representatives from South Africa and the U.S. were the nominated proposals for final voting held in April this year for the international competition for an overall identity of the European Fashion Council. Presidential Council composed of 18 Member States gave its full attention on each one, given the importance of the final choice – to represent in one visual, text and music symbol not only the European Fashion Institution, but also the interests of the European Commission and European Parliament in the field of fashion, fashion design and creative industries.

European Fashion Council Logo

With most votes received, and undoubtfully with its design, force and magnetism, the project by the Dutch designer Frank VERSPOOR eliminated all competition and determined the direction for the development of the overall visual identity of the European Fashion Council. “With the logo image I see a sun made of stars.” the author specifies. “The 3 rings of 12 stars illustrate another dimension of activity inside the original EU 12 star logo; they illustrate the activity of EFC inside the EU. As a logo it expresses richness, luxury and a feeling of celebration.” It also shows the Unity and the strong successful intentional leadership of the European Fashion Industry! The project of Frank VERSPOOR adds another pearl in the multifaceted career of the gifted designer, publisher and owner of Europa Regina, Europe’s leading news channel for the Creative Industries. For the pride of the EFC he is her member responsible for promotion of European Design and Creativity!

With the same compelling force, but expressed in words, the project of the Bulgarian, Nadya VALEVA, was a winner. “Union of arts and ideas” is the slogan, which expresses and shows to the fullest the nature and mission of the European Fashion Council – to be an ambassador of the creators of culture, art and education, in politics, economy, sports, humanitarian, environmental and charity work through the united strength of Fashion and Fashion Design. On the other hand the deep meaning of the slogan, which will be presented in English and French, shows the entrepreneurship of the European fashion institution. Expresses its potential to realize public ideas, causes, to preserve values ​​and developed on a grand scale the goals and ideals of the European and World community for peace, beauty and harmony, for a clean and ethical world, because they bring with their meaning cultural and economic growth not only for the member states of the European Fashion Council, but also for its partners.

Authorship of the name of the organization “European Fashion Council” as a unity of nationally-representative fashion organizations was also an idea of Nadya VALEVA. Definitely this is one of many proofs of her creativity in the advertising and strategic aspect in the field of fashion management as the owner of an advertising agency and founder of Fashion Week in Bulgaria, cultural and political consultant, strategist and a founding member of the National Fashion Chamber of Bulgaria. Later, from the idea to ​​the decision of creating a Fashion institution in Europe, with the combined efforts of 18 European nations, she now holds the current leadership as President of the European Fashion Council.

Anders fon DUBEN Narvabaletten Narvamarschen 1701 - EFCThe glamour of the new European fashion look and slogan are perfectly complemented by the music piece suggested by the Chairman of the Nobеl Fashion Awards Association, Sir Mats PEETERSSON for an official anthem of the European Fashion Council by Swedish composer Anders Fon DÜBEN.

This glorious musical piece was created in the far 1701 year and is a worthy representative of the European values and ideals for United and strong Europe. It once more realizes one of the strategic goals of the organization – to build a “future on the heights of History”, as is the will of the current President of the French Republic.

On the base of the three elements – logo, slogan and music, all who have the inspiration to present the core of the European Fashion Council in 1 verse that can be performed within one minute, can send their suggestions at e-mail: text@europeanfashioncouncil.euno later than 31st May 2011.

After the final choice for text a world famous classical and/or pop singer will be invited for the recording of the anthem will be made public. The first live performance can be expected on the first week of August this year in Paris, France at the first edition of the long awaited “European Fashion Rise” contest for young designers, aimed to promote artistic and creative growth in Europe, which recently got the nickname “Fashion Eurovision”.

European Fashion Council
The European Fashion Council (EFC) was established on 18-19th of May 2007 in Ancient Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Authorized and registered in the European Union with the unified European identity as official institution with ID: 25337543032-09 as Union of the Fashion NGO/Think-Tank for European fashion and fashion design and eligible NGO of EU-UNESCO Convention with 24 member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland / Albania, Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Iceland, Norway, Serbia and Ukraine.
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