Moldova is the 26th member state of the European Fashion Council
The newly established Honorable Awards for contribution gave a start the celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the legal integration of fashion in the European Union and Europe

Mrs. Aleksandra CAN, APIUS President (on the right) and Mrs. Nadya VALEVA, EFC President (on the left) are signing a memorandum about partnership in the presence of His Excellence Mr. Ştefan GORDA, the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in Bulgaria (on the right), Mr. Stamen YANEV, Director of the Bulgarian Invest Agency (in the middle), and Mr. Bronislav DENEV, representing the diplomatic mission of Bulgaria in Moldova (on the left)
EFC Press / December 18, 2017
In execution of the priorities of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU for associating the countries from Eastern Europe and the Eastern Balkans to the EU, the Republic of Moldova was accessed as a 26th member state to the European federative union for fashion represented by the Association of light industry (clothing) of Moldova or APIUS with President Mrs. Alexandra CAN.
With the support of Mr. Bronislav DENEV, Economic and Commercial Counselor at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, and Head of the Commercial office of diplomatic mission of Bulgaria, Moldova obtained equal to the other European member states right to be part of the prestigious fashion council of Europe.
At a small ceremony in the parlor gallery of the Bulgarian invest agency in the attendance of His Excellency Mr. Ştefan GORDA, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in Bulgaria, Mr. Bronislav DENEV, representing the diplomatic mission of Bulgaria in Moldova, Mr. Stamen YANEV, Director of the Bulgarian Invest Agency, the Former Deputy Minister of Economy in Bulgaria and International Economic Relations Senior Expert Mrs. Daniela VEZIEVA, media and guests, Mrs. Aleksandra CAN, as a President of APIUS and the newest member EFC personally received Honorable Membership Certificate in the EFC. At the ceremony a memorandum was also signed about cultural-economic partnership and investment in the fashion industry between Bulgaria and Moldova, also valid for the other member states.

Mrs. Aleksandra CAN, APIUS President and a member of the Presidential Board of the European Fashion Council

Press conference of APIUS in Kishinev
“This is a new opportunity for us, an inspiration, but it all depends on us”, Mrs. CAN noted in her speech, and specified that this new opportunity depends on the level of training of young people for implementing the new ideas and opportunities in fashion, “for the future that is very favorable and good, and we will put in the maximum effort. I assure you that we will do it”, she concluded sharing with us her rich experience as a Former Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Moldova and a President of Rotary International Moldova. After she returned from Bulgaria at a press conference of the Moldovan media she presented the aims and priorities of EFC and the role of Moldova in the realization of the program of EFC “Fashion Horizon 2030” and the participation in the current jubilee program.
“This year is a jubilee for us and will be celebrated with a number of European events”, Nadya VALEVA noted as a President of the EFC, expressing her satisfaction from the expanding of EFC to the East.
Indeed, the realization of the jubilee program celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the EFC establishment has already begun with the recently ended Czech Fashion Week in Prague. In addition to the final approval of the jubilee program of 10 European events in 10 member states, the Czech working group of EFC, consisting of Romania, the Czech Republic, and Bulgaria, initiated the giving of Honorable awards for contribution to the mission of EFC to unify the fashion industry in Europe and to defend and build its authority before the world. The idea was afterwards ratified by all member states through electronic vote which unanimous decision determined the Top 10 persons with contribution to that. Their names will be additionally announced after the end of the period for coordination and determining of the way and place for their announcement and giving. Five of them are leaders of the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and Commission, and the other five are a part of the Managing Board of EFC.
The Honorable awards for significant contribution to EFC will be given traditionally with a Certificate of honorable membership of EFC. The nominations are based on the suggestions done by member states about past years and will be announced every year always on the 19th of May – the European day of Fashion and an anniversary from the establishment of the EFC. This Honorable award, apart from being an emphasis on the authority of its holders, also gives them the opportunity to chose which Pan European events from the program Fashion Europe 2020 and Fashion Horizon 2030 they want to attend as honorable guests, to give an honorable patronage and/or be a jury at, including other opportunities connected with all of the public events and activities of EFC.
The most important part of the Honorable awards for contribution to the EFC is that its holders automatically gain the status of honorable counselors in the managing of EFC and the use of its intellectual property on trademarks, copyright on programs, licenses, strategies and aims, and so on, on the territory of the EU and globally, dating from the 7th of March 2007 and received with an official letter 10 years ago that gave us the green light with a patronage from the EU for the establishment and existence of this organization.
The EFC Press Editor