European Fashion Council presented its Registration
EFC Press / October 2007
Sofia, Bulgaria, EU
In the 5 stars Grand Hotel Sofia in the Bulgarian capital city Sofia was noted the law registration of the European institution for fashion and fashion design named European Fashion Council. For a first time was presented its face: structure, management, unique vision and perspective program.

Guests on the presentation in Grand Hotel Sofia
in front from right to left: the wife of the French ambassador Madame Ponsen, Mrs. Inna Humphreys, Nadya Valeva, H. Exc. Michael Humphreys, Dimitar Aleksiev, Veselina Angelova, Kantardzhiev and Genadiev – members of the Board of Managers, the Italian Institute of foreign trade and seignior Paolo Kastania | at the back from left to right: Lyuben Stanev – Diplomatic Business Group, Vanya Misheva – Ministry of Economics, the Member of Parliament Georgi Dimitrov and the chairman of the Media Commission Mr. Ivo Atanasov
The fashion organization was established in May this year in the Ancient Plovdiv from 11 European nations: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine and Albany. For a first Chairman with one-year rotary principle of management was unanimously chosen the National Fashion Chamber of Republic of Bulgaria, presented by Nadya Valeva and respectively two vice-chairmen: Modo Bruxelae, presented by Linda fon Vaesberge, Kingdom of Belgium and Denmark Fashion, presented by Ann Mary Mondrupe, Kingdom of Denmark.
The initiative was realized under the honored patronage of the Ambassador of the European Union His Exc. Michael Humphreys and head of the delegation of the European Commission to Bulgaria and his wife Mrs. Inna Humphreys, supported and from the Bulgarian Parliament, presented by the chairman of the Commission on Civil Society and Media Ivo Atanasov and Commission on Culture.
In the presence of the diplomatic missions of the countries – founders and also France, Italy, Netherlands, Finland, the member of the European Parliament archon Slavi Binev, the Member of the Bulgarian Parliament Georgi Dimitrov, media and guests, the Chairwoman of the European Fashion Council Nadya Valeva gave to His Exc. Michael Humphreys the law registration, statute, aims and program for registration of the fashion institution in the European Commission as a representative cultural organization of the European Union for fashion and fashion design. As a sign of gratitude from the name of the 11 countries, for the support of the high diplomat and his wife, were given 11 orchids and honored plaquette of 18 carats gold, made from the Bulgarian jeweler and chairman of the Goldsmith Union in Bulgaria Mr. Dimitar Aleksiev. On the plaquette is represented the sign of the organization, created from the art director of Denmark Fashion Roni Jonassen.
The foundation of the European Fashion Council is in unison with the program and activities of the European Commission of Euro integration and collaboration between separate member countries in the area of culture and education and an important step in the forthcoming nice year of inter cultural dialogue on the community European Union.

His Exc. Humphreys, Nadya Valeva and Ivo Atanasov in the Bulgarian Parliament
8 May 2007, initiation of the fashion institution

Founders of the European Fashion Council from 11 countries
19 may 2007, Plovdiv

Moments from the presentation of the European Fashion council
3 October 2007, Sofia

Ivo Atanasov and members of the Bulgarian Board of Managers

A moment from the presenting to His Exc. Humphreys and his wife of 11 orchids, the documents of the European Fashion council and the honored golden plaquette.