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European Fashion Council with an approved status for UNESCO

Adopted the idea of creating a forum for First Ladies of G8/G20/EU27

Worldwide recognition and application of fashion and fashion design in implementation of the Convention EU-UNESCO

EFC Press / Aug 31-Sep 03, 2012
Plovdiv, Bulgaria, EU

Have you ever wondered what the European Union is doing for the protection and promotion of the differences in cultural expression? Have you ever wondered why 5 years from the establishment of the European Fashion Council they have not yet started the series of prestigious public activities related to the official implementation of fashion and fashion design as a new cultural form to the calendar of Europe and the world?

UNESCO flags

The answers to these and many other questions are related to the construction of the vision in the culture of the European society, which began with the inspiration and political support given by the President of the European Commission, Mr. BARROSO in the beginning of his first term, which is as well the time when EFC itself was established. The summer of 2012 notes the period in which with the active participation of the European Fashion Council, Directorate General for Education and Culture in EU, developed strategic approach for building the overall European cultural policy, which should unite and complement the national priorities and fill the gaps in the transnational cooperation in order to distribute the creative content by surpassing the national and European union borders. In this difficult and complicated process fashion and fashion design received its European and subsequent world application as an innovative type of policy – a new form of cultural expression joining with its power education, economics, international relations, humanitarian and charity work, sports, music, tourism, preservation of the cultural heritage and all the other activities and causes in an incorporated “Union of Arts and Ideas”.


For the international applicability on behalf of the EU and in their capacity as its formal institutional nongovernmental organization- innovative Think-Tank with the most current form of cultural expression, the European Fashion Council made ​​a valuable contribution and received the highest worldwide recognition of the status of UNESCO. It is associated with full implementation of activities through the implementation of the Convention EU-UNESCO for protection and application of new forms of cultural expression that around the world are fashion and fashion design.

Among the 41 organizations which were invited, only 16 have been approved, including the European Fashion Council which is also the only recognized organization for fashion and fashion design in the world. This incredible success of the World Fashion Community and a reason to be proud not only for Europe but for the whole world was officially listed in the published Report on the European Union, where on pages 73 and 74 one can see this new status of the European Fashion Council, and on pages 100 to 105 are listed its unique proposals for the implementation of highest level of fashion and fashion design with a direct or indirect impact on all aspects of world politics. We are pleased to publish the link which allows you to read and enjoy this well-deserved success of the World creative community.

Undoubtedly the most significant in the proposed measures that the Convention ЕU-UNESCO is about to take through the European Fashion Council as an approved organization with European and global dimension already is the idea of establishing a forum for the First Ladies of the most developed countries of G8/G20 and EU27. In parallel and identical to the rotational presidential households and management programs, the general purpose of this cultural forum is to generate innovative policies and their implementation in the public sphere, together with official NGO`s as the third sector. The wives of the world leaders are the new generation of First Ladies that are not only contemporary Fashion Icons but also symbolize elegance with unique style. They are the Tender Power that united will create and shine with a positive and creative light, will continue to touch the hearts precisely through culture and art, but will do that as a union in an excellent form in order to support and help with the implementation of the causes in benefit of a democratic, prosperous and modern world. In honor of the upcoming in 2015 celebration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Presidential Forum G8/G20 is envisaged establishment of GRAND MASTERS World Awards for Fashion and Arts. Under the patronage of the Forum of the First Ladies they will be awarded for high quality, productivity, cultural and economic growth in 10 categories: Fashion, Music, Education, Movie, Photography, Stage Arts, Fine Arts, Architecture, Sports and Maecenas. These most prestigious of their kind and type World Creative Awards will have in their uniting format HONORABLE Awards as well for the Development and Protection of Culture and Creators’ rights, which are to be established in honor of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations in 2015.
As previously the European Fashion Council has informed, the World union’s creative project awards also include Napoleon, King, and Knight, Legionnaires, Nobel Awards for fashion and arts. With the new developments in the performance of one of the goals of the EU-UNESCO Convention, and as a new means of enhancing partnerships with and among civil society, NGOs and the private sector, the project was supplemented accordingly to the final TOP 10 in the world.

David ROCKEFELLER Fashion Awards, David ROCKEFELLER Music Awards and the other artistic categories mentioned above are the ideological part for rewards, dedicated to development of the family traditions from year 1710 and the forthcoming in the following year celebration of the 100th anniversary of David ROCKEFELLER Foundation whose achievements in the global field of philanthropy should be comprehensively distributed as rewards intended to be the worthy assessment of the stable business development in the arts and ecology.

For incessant progress of culture, economics and international relations and to commemorate the achievements in the five most important categories: economic growth, social policy, culture and education, world peace dialogue and innovation is the addition of the major idea for cultural awards to ​​the name of the EU founder, Robert SCHUMANN.

The major motive of the EU-UNESCO Convention for cultural development as a continuous development by providing moral and financial support inspires EFC by the 40-years of activities of the German MARSHALL Fund. Because of that the idea of ​​awarding prizes for World Leadership and Management in culture with this name will be original contribution to international prosperity of artists.

Presently the program “Fashion Europe”, which the European Commission adopted in support of the implementation of the strategy “EU2020”, was transformed into an expanded international program “Fashion World” of more than 157 activities for the purposes of the Convention by UNESCO. The preparation is in an active phase as the European Fashion Council prepared and submitted one of the earliest proposals for “Innovative financing of culture by using digital technologies”. It has already passed to the second stage of assessment of the implementation together with the project for developing a comprehensive strategy for the use of “Culture in international relations” in EU policies in all sectors, not only the use of fashion and fashion design.

There has been established a specialized department of EFC for prepared and realization of the European and international projects and programs, the establishment of special funds to support the forms of cultural expression is expected, and as well as that the Fashion Organization began establishing international partnerships for this and all other causes.

Good beginning of the new working season is another celebration – the one of the fifth anniversary of the European Fashion Council. Be our partners with your unique ideas that could not only be implemented but also protected!
