11 Nations initiated and founded the European Fashion Council
In honour of the 50th anniversary of the European Union the newly established European alliance announces the year 2008 for Year of the European fashion design.

As a beautiful gift from the most elite fashion organizations in Europe, in the eve of May 9th, 11 non-governmental designers’ organizations initiated the European Fashion Council. The fashion union unifies the European individuality and creativity and was founded on May 19th, 2007. The signing of the Foundation statute was in House-Museum “Hindliyan” in 13-centuries old Plovdiv – the cultural capital of Bulgaria.
The foundation of the European Fashion Council
Мay 19, 2007, 13:09 hours, House-Museum Hindliyan, Old Plovdiv
From left to right:
Mrs. Sonja Noel – president of Modo Bruxellae, Kingdom of Belgium – founder, full member, vice-chairman of the European Fashion Council
Ms. Nadya Valeva – chairwoman of the National Fashion Chamber of Bulgaria – founder, full member and first chairwoman of the European Fashion Council.
On the right: Mrs. Amela Radan – president of the organization Sarajevo Fashion Week Bosnia and Herzegovina, founder and an associated member of the European Fashion Council.