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Serbia is the 19th member state of the European Fashion Council

New world-class projects were added to the Program “Fashion Europe”

EFC Press / March 27, 2012

In accordance with the accepted recommendations of the Council of the European Union and the present state of the Republic of Serbia as a candidate member of the EU, the National Fashion Chamber of Serbia received approval without a dissenting vote on their candidacy and became the 19th Member state of European Fashion Council.

Serbia EU

The official representative of the Serbian fashion community joined the EFC as a result of fulfillment of the condition for being a representative fashion organization with a proven national contribution to the fashion industry in activities and causes which could be implemented as a pan-European and international for the purposes of United Europe and the global world. With the association of the National Fashion Chamber of Serbia, which is headquartered in Novi Sad, but represented in all regions of the country, European Fashion Council has been successfully realized the cause of enlargement of the EU, the Development program of the European Commission and European Integration of new Member States. Serbia’s participation is now officially registered in the public register of the EC as you can see here.

“We will do utmost the best cooperation with all members of EFC to reach the same common goal for Union and powerful Fashion Europe”, said in her address Ms. Svetlana HORVAT, President of the National Fashion Chamber of Serbia and an official representative of the fashion community in the European Union with its representative European Fashion Council.
The proven 15-year practice of Svetlana HORVAT as the most award-winning fashion designer for the region of South-Eastern Europe and her dedication and commitment to the fashion industry of Serbia, together with global efforts to attract attention to the fashion, textile and related industries in Balkan countries, brought her international recognition and awards, but most important, the support of the Serbian government and U.S. for the implementation and development of humanitarian causes through fashion and art.

The founders of the National Fashion Chamber of Serbia launched two years ago the projects «Ethnic SAN» – and «Ready to Rise» – by the Province of Vojvodina in Serbia and Carnegie Hall in Washington, DC, and because of their broad perspective, they were successfully invoked as projects of global importance and rank. With the inclusion of Serbia into the European Fashion Council they are added in the program “Fashion Europe” for further pan-European and global application on behalf of the European Union and Europe.

Serbia is the 19th member state of the European Fashion Council

“We would be happy to contribute to the program of EFC through National Fashion Camber of Serbia with this project”, shares Mrs. HORVAT, “they have and accomplished the goals of presentation of arts, culture, tourism potential, establishment and development of international economic and culture co-operations, supporting women entrepreneurship, increasing cultural and diplomacy trough art, fashion and music, fundraising for humanitarian causes”.

In its essence this is a presentation of ethnic collections of fashion designers with an exhibition of artistic works of art, sales and live auctions to raise funds in support of human rights and economic opportunities for women and families in underdeveloped regions, at international level – through entrepreneurship, which results in production of fashion events to raise funds through NGOs in the Fund for assistance to refugees, expelled and displaced persons.

At this point the realization of the projects has helped more than 110 families and 4,000 refugees. “With dedication and commitment from Serbia, we assure you, that we will make any effort through our participation in the EFC to help for the development of the European Union and Europe” concretizes the President of the National Fashion Chamber of Serbia.

On behalf of the European Fashion Council the programs «Ethnic SUN» and «Ready to Rise» are offered as public associated activities in support of the General Program «Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows» of the European Parliament and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, because they are seen as ways and means by the virtue of fashion as art, culture, economy for public support for humanitarian and charitable causes with significant contribution to raising funds of «European Refugee Fund 2008-2013» and support development of the European fashion industry and creativity.
In anticipation of this week’s vote in European Parliament to open negotiations with the Republic of Serbia as a candidate country for EU and the theme of migration in Europe, the country shows already the first impressive results in the fastest growing creative industries and entrepreneurship, is worthy on admiration.

On 23rd and 24th April 2012 in Monaco is this year’s edition of «Ready to Rise», where the National Fashion Chamber of Serbia will start its actions in all of the national activities and programs and will participate as member of the European Fashion Council with dedicated full rights to Serbia with the logo of the single European identity of the stars on a blue background, as modified and authorized by the institutional character of the EU’s unified European fashion community.

The enlargement of the European Fashion Council continues according to the willingness of other European countries to be part of the process of building the single face of Europe as a world fashion leader. As an excellent example of this the fashion industry of Serbia, through the NKMS, worthy demonstrates a significant contribution, active and responsible approach to the European Union, Europe and the global world.

Svetlana Horvat