Europe – Trade Associations
Directory Trade Associations: Business, Industry, and Commerce
In alphabetical order
Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI)
CBI is an Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and part of the development cooperation effort of The Netherlands. The CBI’s mission is to contribute to the economic development of developing countries by strengthening the competitiveness of companies from those countries on the EU market. CBI considers social values and compliance with the most relevant environmental requirements to be an integral part of its policy and activities.
CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union
CENTREX is the top exhibition industry organisation in Central Eastern Europe not only for promoting transparency, reliability and real market-value of exhibition statistics (her initial concept), but growingly also in promoting exhibitions as excellent face-to-face marketing tool in general aspect.
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland are members of EFTA. The EFTA Convention established a free trade area among its Member States in 1960. In addition, the EFTA States have jointly concluded free trade agreements with a number of countries worldwide. Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway entered into the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) in 1992, which entered into force in 1994. The current contracting parties are, in addition to the three EFTA states, the European Community and the 25 EC Member States.
European Union (EU)
The European Union is the largest trade block in the world. It is the world’s biggest exporter of manufactured goods and services, and the biggest import market for over 100 countries.
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Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (FESI)
FESI, the Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry, is the unique Brussels-based European platform representing the interests of some 1800 European sporting goods manufacturers before the European Institutions, other international sport federations and other associations.
Do you want to do business with Europe? We have answered the most important questions for you in our freely accessible market research for the #apparel sector ➡️
— CBI (@CBI_NL) March 29, 2023