Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia F/W 2014/2015
From March 27 up to April 1, 2014 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia will be held in Moscow. Designers from Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, India, Georgia and other countries will demonstrate their collections of the season Fall-Winter/2014-2015 at the Manege, Moscow’s premium venue next to Kremlin (Manezhnaya sq, 1).
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia is presenting the Fall-Winter collections of the following designers: SLAVA ZAITSEV, Alena Akhmadullina, BEssARION, Igor Gulyaev, Dasha Gauser, Julia Dalakian, RUBAN, PIROSMANI BY JENYA MALYGINA, POUSTOVIT, BIRYUKOV, TEGIN, Ester Abner, ZARINA, Laroom, Olga Brovkina, Julia Nikolaeva, ELENA SOUPROUN, Georgy Rushev, RIA KEBURIA, Yasya Minochkina, LITKOVSKAYA and others.
«We mostly pay attention on Russian designers. But the development of local fashion industry isn’t possible without cooperation with the international markets. The Mercedes-Benz Fashion Weeks’ network is by fact a united mechanism, a powerful system with main principles which are based on local talents to be promoted worldwide. Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia provides the access to a highly professional team all over the world through the network. In Russia our fashion week is the key platform for established and emerging designers to communicate with media, buyers, retail chains and government. Each season we develop the projects under Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia», says Alexander Shumsky, the President of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia.
This year MBFW Russia launches fashion project in cooperation with BezGraniz Couture which supports people with special needs. BezGraniz Couture is presenting a unique project designed for the people with special figures and needs caused by disabilities. Designers will show their fashion lines for the people with a syndrome or cerebral paralysis and as well for the blind, on the wheel-chairs, little people and people with scales. This kind of runway show is held for the first time during the Moscow fashion week.
MBFW Russia supports BezGraniz Couture International Fashion and Accessoire Award created for people with different disabilities. Awarded collections should satisfy creative, functional and commercial needs.
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia presents another special project on April 1 during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia: the unique School Collections Day. Russian designers will demostrate their vision on school uniform at the catwalk. Russian government is ready to issue the law making school uniform an obligation throughout the country. The public discussion is still on in Russia so the School Collections Day would help to create a positive feeling with fashion touch. Russian designers will showcase school fashion for both junior and senior classes. Ministry of Industry and Trade is interested to promote a high-quality uniforms for schools designed and produced in Russia. Catwalk shows will be accompanied by Russian cloth manufactures expo on the main venue in Manege, supported by Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

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- MBFWR Fall-Winter 2016/2017
- MBFWR Spring-Summer 2016
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- MBFWR Spring-Summer 2015
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- #Open Russian Fashion flashmob at Super Milano
- Russian Federation presents #Open Russian Fashion
- MBFWR Fall-Winter 2014/2015
MBFW Russia’s Title Partner – Mercedes-Benz – is joined by Mary Kay, Canon, L’Oréal, ASUS, Livingstone Estates, Metropol Hotel, El Corte Ingles.