Light + Building 2018

In Design, Trade Shows by Europa Regina

Light + Building 2018 with new themes and 2,600 exhibitors on track for success

‘Connected – Secure – Convenient’ is the new motto of the coming Light + Building, which will be held with new main themes, a new special exhibition and an additional exhibition hall in Frankfurt am Main from 18 to 23 March 2018.

Focusing on the key issues of the ‘smartification of everyday life’ and ‘aesthetics and well-being in harmony’, the industry is preparing to present intelligent and networked solutions, future-oriented technologies and current design trends, which increase not only economic efficiency of buildings but also the comfort and safety and security of the users, at the world’s biggest trade fair for lighting and building-services technology. As a fair of innovations, Light + Building brings together all power-controlled building-services systems and promotes integrated building planning with a product spectrum unrivalled in both horizontal and vertical terms.

In line with the high degree of dynamism in the sector, the interim results for Light + Building 2018 could hardly be better. All market leaders have already registered for the fair and a total of 2,600 exhibitors are expected to launch their latest products and innovations onto the world market for lighting, electrical technology and house and building automation.

“Light + Building is the setting for big ideas and decisive impulses. Accordingly, we are delighted with the very positive exhibitor response and are sure that the coming edition of Light + Building will once again underscore its unparalleled function as the leading trade fair for the sector”, says Wolfgang Marzin, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Messe Frankfurt.

One of the focal-point themes of the coming fair will be safety and security technology. The combination of different systems, such as video monitoring and access control, their interconnection and integration in building automation are important aspects of interest to both the industry and users. Thus, the fields of house and building automation and power-controlled safety and security technology will be concentrated together for the first time in Hall 9.1 at Light + Building 2018 to create a focal point – a centre for integrated building-services technology – offering visitors a complete overview of the entire spectrum of house and building automation, as well as electric safety and security technology. Enriching the new location will be a special show entitled ‘SECURE! Connected Security in Buildings’ and the Intersec Forum, which will be held concurrently with the fair on four days from 19 to 22 March 2018. In addition to the concentrated presentation in Hall 9.1, leading manufacturers will present innovations from the world of safety and security technology in other halls of Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre. And, thanks to a brochure entitled ‘Guide to Safety and Security Technology’, visitors will be able to obtain a quick overview of the complete spectrum to be seen at the fair.

The ‘SECURE! Connected Security in Buildings’ special show is designed to give visitors insights into how innovative technical solutions can make a building more economically efficient and take account of the individual users’ needs. In distinction to the exhibitors’ presentations, the special show will take three specific applications (hotel – office – industry) and blend all aspects from the point of view of security and user interfaces.

Aesthetics and well-being in harmony
A focal point in the Lighting product segment at Light + Building 2018 will be the presentation of the latest design trends in the lighting market and the exhibitors’ high level of design expertise. Digitalisation has paved the way for a new dimension of luminaire design, and lighting-technology innovations are shifting the spotlight to people and their personal needs, as shown by the increasing significance of Human Centric Lighting (HCL). This involves, inter alia, the effects of light on people and on their health, performance capability and well-being.

As in the case of HCL, digitalisation is also the key to street-lighting management and is the prerequisite for a variety of other services, such as charging points for e-mobility, W-LAN infrastructure, sensor technology for surveillance, loudspeakers for emergency announcements and emergency-call buttons. Enriched with supplementary functions of this kind, street lighting offers interesting smart-city lighting concepts and is an important factor for the creation of smart cities.

The spectrum of Light + Building exhibitors encompasses luminaire design of all kinds, technical lighting and lamps in a variety of versions and for all applications, not to mention a big selection of lighting components and accessories, as well as outdoor and street lighting. All are to be found in Halls 1 (Design Trend Spot) to 6, as well as Hall 10 and the Forum.

The smartification of everyday life
A key role in the construction and operation of intelligent and networked buildings is played by electrical technology and house and building automation.

With its central cross-sectional technologies oriented towards holistic solutions, electrical technology plays a crucial part in the field of building-services technology and, only at Light + Building, are electrical solutions to be found in the context of other disciplines, such as lighting and building automation. Thanks to this unrivalled linkage, the industry is able to present an integrated range of products that make a decisive contribution to exploiting the energy-saving potential of buildings to the full.

By concentrating all technical disciplines, building automation also plays an important role: the increasing interlinkage and digitalisation of electrical installations increases the quality of life at home and at work. At Light + Building, the industry presents solutions and technologies oriented not only towards low energy consumption and modern safety and security expectations but also individual creative options and a high level of comfort. Visitors will find the range of energy-efficient building-system solutions, electrical installations and building infrastructure in Hall 8.0. In Hall 11.0, everything revolves around electrical installation and networking technology while design-oriented electrical installations and building-systems technology are in Hall 11.1.

In addition to the broad spectrum of products being shown by the exhibitors, Light + Building is also distinguished by a multi-faceted complementary programme of events for all trade visitors, i.e., architects, engineers, planners, interior architects, designers, artisans, the trade and industry, from special exhibitions and expert lecture to trend presentations.

Light + Building

Header photo, Pietro Sutera – Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
Light + Building 2018
Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH – Photo, Jean-Luc Valentin

Home and building automation plays a vital role in integrated building planning and, therefore, at Light + Building because building-automation systems and innovative process, measuring and control technologies are vital aspects of integrative systems technology.