The new luxury is to feel good – experience Nordic Space at Formex (23-26 August 2017)
Nordic Space was the theme of the most recent Formex. The next Formex in August will be inspired by the same theme, but with one major difference – instead of looking outward, the reference to “space” turns inward. “we present the season’s main theme for interiors and design as well as three current trends,” says Christina Olsson, Project Area Manager for Formex.
The trend analysis is set by Formex in collaboration with the Swedish Fashion Council. The theme for this fall’s Formex, Nordic Space, is a familiar one – it was the theme at the spring Formex as well. “Then, we were looking outward, but now we’re turning inward when we refer to ‘space’. In an uncertain world we often seek comfortableness, a cozy haven,” says Christina Olsson.
Theme for Formex in August: Nordic Space
Sofia-Li Molin, Creative Director and Head of Forecast at Swedish Fashion Council, describes how Nordic Space takes shape:
“Extreme volumes once again return to our homes. They’re cozily soft, embracing, liberating and comfortable. The ‘inner space’ has an elevated status. We want to be happy, and our own bodies are reflected in the design. In these tumultuous times, we’re seeking safe solutions and core values.”
New products and material innovations make it possible for us to challenge the “use and lose” mentality. Finding a sustainable lifestyle is even noticeable in our everyday routines – we are spending our time on slow cooking, alternative proteins, sprouting and flexitarianism.
The palette is inspired by bare skin, mud, crispy mint and berry tones. Shiny, high-tech surfaces meet natural, timeless materials such as wool, wood, terracotta and leather.
The expression is comfortably generous and embodies the new luxury – feeling good.
Three trends at Nordic Space
Body Comfort, which focuses on the human anatomy and voluminous proportions.
Key words: Coz(to enjoy and spend time together), generosity, physicality.
Raw Luxury, with occult symbolism and handicraft from the higher realm.
Key words: Dramatic, mystique, sensuality
Creativity, with design hybrids, where material is creatively mixed in products.
Key words: High-tech, creative power, expressionism.
Sofia-Li Molin from Swedish Fashion Council shares her insight into trends – how they are found and how they influence.
How do you identify design trends that we will be following in coming months?
“We’re a big team with a broad, global network. It’s important to gather a lot of inspiration, travel and be curious about people and the industry, read reports and articles and watch the flows on social media. With experience comes the filter – knowing what’s genuinely interesting.”
How are we influenced by trends, and how do we influence them?
“In recent years it’s become extremely apparent that some trends emerge from ourdirect needs and not just as new, smart products that a design department decided to launch. For example, the Clean movement, engaging in the origin of the good, and the Maker movement, using open-source solutions to 3D print a design or crowdfund a design project. One single person seldom influences a trend, but rather we’re all co-creators, and we more likely these days to have made our choices before we even step into the store. The challenge is meeting these wishes; it requires excellent knowledge of trends and the underlying behavior.”
What do trends mean for you personally?
“Since I get to work with inspiration and see fascinating products all day, every day, I don’t need to consume so much – ha ha! I would easily go crazy if I felt I had to buy everything I like. But I naturally update my style, and particularly my lifestyle – how I shop, make food or exercise.”
Formex will be held on August 23-26, 2017, at Stockholmsmässan.