WFW World Fashion Week postponed to June 2012 | Urgent International Memo

November 8, 2011

Distinguish participating designers, partners, media, guest, supporters and volunteers of World Fashion Week,

On behalf of the WFW-WFO Board of Directors, World Fashion Council, International Committee and Advisory Board, I am deeply sorry and extremely sad to communicate to all of you, that one of our major partner was not able to commit to the final stage of the necessary funding to cover part of the production expenses related to WFW Welcoming Gala NYC 11.11.11 in a timely manner, living the effects of an international financial crisis. The venue, Cipriani, has being paid in full, however, this luck of funding will not allow us to cover all hotels accommodations and part of the fashion show production elements, being force to postpone the event to June 2012.

We are aware that this very disappointing news and unfortunate situation, creating a great inconvenient to all of you, being a couple of days before the Gala in New York, in which many of you have already covered and confirmed airfares to attend the gala. Please cancel immediately your itineraries and send us any invoices with your bank wire information, so we can cover any additional cancellations fees and/or non-refundable airfares as soon as possible.

As you all know, WFW-WFO have being working for the past several years to encourage the expansion of the global fashion community, gathering your national fashion industries under a new era of global understanding and trade umbrella, in benefit to all of us. Unfortunately, during this international financial crisis, it is an additional challenge to face in order to accomplish success. However, during this crisis period, our world needs more events and initiatives such as WFW to generate trade, employment opportunities, embrace cultures and unify communities. The only way to final success is to live difficult experiences, throughout this experiences we are able to develop our inner-self steam and reach the healthy personal and financial happiness that we are all looking for in our lives.

WFW blindly believes in all of you and the final success of WFW NYC 2012. We are committed to it since its conception, 6 years ago, where incredible developments have being made all over our world. We have already met may of you, gaining incredible knowledge from your personalities, cultures and traditions. We will keep fighting for you and the WFW final success to whatever level and necessary efforts.

We, as human beings, are capable to always create new creative avenues to encourage and help each other, even when very difficult moments arrives. We must always keep our faith and great efforts all the way to the journey of life. Only God knows why thing happens the way they do, why there is so much poverty all over our world and why there is a great unbalance of wealth in our communities, however, we believe that collectivity we can develop our world into a positive direction. Regardless the difficulties we face in our lives, making us stronger and able to find the right formula that will truly work for our global society and the new technologies we develop. Even when our spirits are near to breaking down, we must be stronger that ever, have confidence in our selves, while keep helping others succeed.

We all belong to WFW, this is our new global platform and we all know it is necessary to bring together the truly aspects and spirit of the global fashion and textile communities, under one roof. Myself being a personal witness that this industry is truly providing with new opportunities for trade, understanding, social and human development all over our world.

Once again, I am deeply sorry for this great inconvenience, I encourage you to take a deep breath, calm our souls down and take a new step and commitment to the final success of World Fashion Week 2012, followed by the years to come in benefit to all.

With my heart in tears for the current situation, being encourage for the light of my spirit, I will personally keep working to its final success, in which sooner or later we will witness. WFW will absolutely understand if some of you back up from the project, however, the world doors of WFW will be always open and will be credible.

I much appreciate your constant support, efforts, commitments and faith to the WFW endeavor.

We look forward to your responses and human understanding, WFW will always keep determination, commitment and efforts to Give our Light to the World.

Most sincerely yours,

Paco De Jaimes
World Fashion Week New York City Welcoming Gala 11.11.11.
Executive Board
World Fashion Organization
Give your Light to the World

World Fashion Week