Indonesia Fashion Week | Indonesia, Asia
Indonesia Fashion Week is a fashion movement initiated by the Indonesian Fahion Entrepreneur and Designer Association (APPMI). This idea comes with a big main idea: make Indonesia as one of the world’s center for fashion.
The idea of conducting Indonesia Fashion Week also strengthen by the arrangement of blueprint of Creative Economy-Fashion done by APPMI and four governmental ministries; The ministry of Industry, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Cooperation and small and Medium Enterprises.
Therefore, in every implementation of Indonesia Fashion Week year by year. It is implemented through the synergy of four bid elements, including government, business/industries, associations and academician. The very first Indonesia Fashion Week conducted in February 2012 and took place at the Jakarta Convention Center.
Moreover, the vision of Indonesia Fashion Week is to explore the Indonesia heritage and standardize the creative source of Indonesia, in order to actualize Indonesia as one of the world’s center for fashion.

Indonesia Fashion Week