Creative Industries United Kingdom
Global Development UK at Red Yellow Blue (RYB)
Report offers the UK’s first overview of the creative industry’s path to net zero
Nov 7, 2022 – Creative Industries and the Climate Emergency: The path to Net Zero is a recent report collating the progress each sector in the creative industry has taken in reaching net zero, and the work that remains. Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC) has carried out the undertaking with Julie’s Bicycle, a non-profit mobilising arts and culture industries to take action on the climate and ecological crisis.
Creative Industries Federation
The Creative Industries Federation is the new representative body of the UK’s arts, cultural and creative industries. As a membership organisation, the CIF represents the views of the UK’s creative industries, while challenging and assisting the sector to stay ahead of the international competition.
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Creative UK
Creative UK was established in 2021 by bringing Creative England and the Creative Industries Federation together to coalesce our collective capabilities; using creativity to shape the UK’s social, cultural, and economic future. By merging the industry insights and advocacy work of the Federation, with the practical support and investment work of Creative England, we are now perfectly positioned to have visible impact and drive real change.
Creative Industries Council
The Creative Industries Council, a joint forum between the creative industries and government. Set up to be a voice for creative industries, the council focus on areas where there are barriers to growth facing the sector, such as access to finance, skills, export markets, regulation, intellectual property (IP) and infrastructure.
Economy of United Kingdom
The UK, a leading trading power and financial center, is the third largest economy in Europe after Germany and France. Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient by European standards, producing about 60% of food needs with less than 2% of the labor force. The UK has large coal, natural gas, and oil resources, but its oil and natural gas reserves are declining; the UK has been a net importer of energy since 2005. Services, particularly banking, insurance, and business services, are key drivers of British GDP growth. Manufacturing, meanwhile, has declined in importance but still accounts for about 10% of economic output.
In 2008, the global financial crisis hit the economy particularly hard, due to the importance of its financial sector. Falling home prices, high consumer debt, and the global economic slowdown compounded the UK’s economic problems, pushing the economy into recession in the latter half of 2008 and prompting the then BROWN (Labour) government to implement a number of measures to stimulate the economy and stabilize the financial markets. Facing burgeoning public deficits and debt levels, in 2010 the then CAMERON-led coalition government (between Conservatives and Liberal Democrats) initiated an austerity program, which has continued under the Conservative government. However, the deficit still remains one of the highest in the G7, standing at 3.6% of GDP as of 2017, and the UK has pledged to lower its corporation tax from 20% to 17% by 2020. The UK had a debt burden of 90.4% GDP at the end of 2017.
The UK economy has begun to slow since the referendum vote to leave the EU in June 2016. A sustained depreciation of the British pound has increased consumer and producer prices, weighing on consumer spending without spurring a meaningful increase in exports. The UK has an extensive trade relationship with other EU members through its single market membership, and economic observers have warned the exit will jeopardize its position as the central location for European financial services. Prime Minister MAY is seeking a new “deep and special” trade relationship with the EU following the UK’s exit. However, economists doubt that the UK will be able to preserve the benefits of EU membership without the obligations. The UK is expected to officially leave the EU by the end of March 2019.
British Fashion Awards ~ Motion Brand Identity from ManvsMachine on Vimeo.