Serbia Trade Associations

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia is independent, modern and responsible non-budget institution, the national association of all Serbian businesses which its tradition, experience, knowledge and expertise put in the best interest of its members and the economy of Serbia. To establish Serbia as a country recognizable by its investment potential, market economy and open borders, a country prepared to be competitively integrated into the European mainstream, represents our fundamental interest.
A century and a half long tradition of the chamber system of Serbia and widely spread chamber network encompassing sixteen Regional Chamber of Commerce, two Provincial Chambers, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce and Industry and nine representative offices abroad are the guarantee for the effective application of all mechanisms of support to the economy and the business community.

National Fashion Chamber Serbia (NFC Serbia)
The main objective of the NFC Serbia, as the legitimate representative of the European fashion Serbia, establishing partnerships and supports the development of Serbian fashion, protect the interests of the fashion industry, designers, fashion brands, artists. Developing professional fashion union of Serbia and Serbian fashion promotion at national and international level.
With the support of projects in the framework of the European Fashion Council, representing the professional skills and creative interaction potential of its members, their knowledge in the field of industrial-scale designs and abroad.