Czechia Trade Associations

Association of Fair and Exhibition Organizers of the Czech Republic (SOVA ČR)
SOVA ČR is the only professional association of the Czech Republic associated with exhibition centers in the Czech Republic, the companies organizing trade fairs and exhibitions both in the Czech Republic and abroad, other bodies contributing with specific services to the Czech exhibition industry. SOVA ČR was established on 13th December 2001 by a merger of three subjects acting in the Czech exhibition industry (SOVA + ČVVS + Fair and Exhibition Section of the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic).

Association of Textile, Clothing and Leather Industry (ATOK)
ATOK is the foremost enterprise association in the Czech Republic´s textile, apparel and leather sector. This association is considered as the mouthpiece of Czech producers towards the country´s public and government institutions and organizations abroad. They have an important platform for dialogue and formulation of social attitudes and needs of Czech textile manufacturers. It’s an important point for the establishment of the new business contacts as well as place of the exchange of information on business, economy and technologies. They process, provide, and exchange statistical information within the textile, apparel and leather sector. To conclude, they are the cooperating partner to the EU-PHARE projects and programmes.

National Fashion Chamber of Czech Republic
The National Fashion Chamber of Czech Republic is the professional representative of the fashion industry. It was founded in the autumn of 2010 as an organization that aims to promote interest and patronage of Czech designers, fashion companies and brands, Czech creators of fashion and all who are associated with the key factor for economic success: Fashion design and aesthetics.

Trade Associations