Austria Trade Associations

Austrian Economic Chambers / Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKO)
The Austrian Economic Chambers represent more than 400,000 member companies. As the voice of Austrian business, we are committed to forward-looking policies which benefit the economy e.g. tax relief, cutting red tape, subsidies.

Austrian Economic Chambers / BG Bekleidungsindustrie
Die Berufsgruppe der Bekleidungsindustrie Österreichs und ihre rund 165 Mitgliedsfirmen freuen sich über Ihren Besuch! Unsere Internet-Plattform mit umfassender Firmen- und Produktdatenbank präsentiert auf den folgenden Seiten Österreichs Modeproduzenten und deren Produkte und Marken, Branchen-News, Informationen sowie unser großes Serviceangebot.

Austrian Fashion Association
The Austrian Fashion Association is information, coordination and service center at the intersection of fashion designers, economy and culture. It provides advocacy with the aim to promote the professionalization and internationalization of the fashion design scene in Austria and creates a breeding ground for the development of creativity and economic ambitions Austrian fashion designers.

Kreativwirtschaft Austria
In Austria and the European Union, we represent the interests of the creative industries as part of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and are committed to the visibility of services based on creative industries. As Creative Industries Austria, KAT for short, we offer comprehensive services for the economic success of creative people and their cross-sector networking. Kreativwirtschaft Austria is an implementation partner of the Creative Industries Strategy for Austria of the BMDW.