Malaysia Trade Associations
Discover Malaysia’s trade associations supporting businesses across industries, fostering growth, collaboration, and international trade opportunities.
Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
MATRADE is the National trade Promotion Agency under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). MATRADE’s mission to promote Malaysia’s export has enabled many local companies to carve new frontiers in global markets. Today as we continue to put the spotlight on capable Malaysian companies on the international stage, we are helping make the phrase ‘Made-In-Malaysia’ synonymous with excellence, reliability and trustworthiness.
Malaysian Knitting Manufactures Association (MKMA)
MKMA is a national textile trade association established in the year 1975. The primary objective is to encourage, promote and protect the interests of the knitters and related textile manufacturers. MKMA membership is drawn from all sectors of textile and apparel industry covering the spinning, knitting, printing, dyeing & finishing, garment manufacturing and related suppliers including accessories, dyestuffs and machinery operating in 8 states of the country. Membership also extends to associate members internationally.
Malaysian Textile Manufacturers Association (MATAC)
MATAC is the recognised national representative body for the textile industry. It is financed entirely from members’ subscriptions, entrance fees and surpluses arising from specific activities. Membership is drawn from all sectors of the textile and apparel manufacturing, both large and small covering the fibre, spinning, weaving, knitting, garment-making, industrial textile/accessories sectors. The present membership represents a combined paid up capital equivalent to more than 80 percent of the total equity of the textile industry in the country.