World Fair Trade Organizations
Directory Fair Trade Organizations, Associations
There are 2 main international Fair Trade bodies:
World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO)
The WFTO is a global authority on Fair Trade.
Membership of the WFTO is limited to organizations that demonstrate a 100% Fair Trade commitment and apply its 10 Principles of Fair Trade. WFTO members who are monitored against these Principles are listed in the FT100 index of world-leading Fair Trade brands, businesses and organisations. Not just the pioneers of the movement but the innovators of the market. The WFTO represents Fair Traders from grassroots through to the G8 and is the authentic voice of Fair Trade, having driven the movement for 20 years. It is the only global network whose members represent the Fair Trade chain from production to sale.
Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO)
FLO is the worldwide Fairtrade Standard setting and Certification organisation. It permits more than 800,000 producers, workers and their dependants in 50 countries to benefit from labelled Fairtrade. FLO guarantees that products sold anywhere in the world with a Fairtrade label marketed by a National Initiative conforms to Fairtrade Standards and contributes to the development of disadvantaged producers and workers.
In alphabetical order
Fair Trade Organizations and Campaigns on Trade Justice Issues
The OneWorld network and portal brings you the latest news, action, campaigns and organisations in human rights and global issues across five continents and in 11 different languages, published across its international site, regional editions, and thematic channels. Many of these are produced from the South to widen the participation of the world’s poorest and marginalised peoples in the global debate.
Oxfam International
Oxfam International is a confederation of 12 organizations working together with over 3000 partners in more than 100 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice.
With many of the causes of poverty global in nature, the 12 affiliate members of Oxfam International believe they can achieve greater impact through their collective efforts. Oxfam International seeks increased worldwide public understanding that economic and social justice are crucial to sustainable development. We strive to be a global campaigning force promoting the awareness and motivation that comes with global citizenship whilst seeking to shift public opinion in order to make equity the same priority as economic growth.
Third World Network (TWN)
The Third World Network is an independent non-profit international network of organizations and individuals involved in issues relating to development, the Third World and North- South issues. Its objectives are to conduct research on economic, social and environmental issues pertaining to the South; to publish books and magazines; to organize and participate in seminars; and to provide a platform representing broadly Southern interests and perspectives at international fora such as the UN conferences and processes.
Trade Justice Movement (TJM)
The Trade Justice Movement is a fast growing group of organisations including trade unions, aid agencies, environment and human rights campaigns, fairtrade organisations, faith and consumer groups.
The movement is supported by more than 60 member organisations that have over 9 million members, and new organisations are joining every month. Together, we are campaigning for trade justice – not free trade – with the rules weighted to benefit poor people and the environment. We believe that everyone has the right to feed their families, make a decent living and protect their environment. But the rich and powerful are pursuing trade policies that put profits before the needs of people and the planet. To end poverty and protect the environment we need Trade Justice not free trade.
World Fair Trade Day
World Fair Trade Day falls every second Saturday in May.
It is an inclusive worldwide festival of events celebrating Fair Trade as a tangible contribution to sustainable development, especially the economic empowerment of small producers, gender equality in workplaces and responsible production practices.
Our member Fair Trade Enterprises across the globe lead the celebration.